100% 5 Star Reviews 

Popular Pop Rock Songs that have stood the test of time

How many bands have survived the test of time and are still household names with the young children of today’s generation?  Did you know that the Monkees I’m a Believer from 1967 was nominated for a Kid’s Choice Award?  The Rolling Stones 1965 I Can’t Get no Satisfaction is at No. 2 and Aretha Franklin is at No. 5 with RESPECT in the Rolling Stones Magazine “500 Greatest Songs of All Time”.  How is it that songs that are seemingly so ‘old’ are not knocked off the top of the list by modern sensations?

Quick Pop Rock Song One Hit Wonders

The answer is simply that we live in a ‘microwave world’ and who is more responsible for this musically than Simon Cowell? Simon established the hit sensation TV shows such as Pop Idol and X Factor monopoly with the possibility of securing record deals for the winners. Do the children of today know who Will Young, the Pop Idol 2002 winner, is?

The Beatles and Forming a World Class Pop Rock Band

Time Magazine may well have named him one of the 100 Most Influential People in the world, but is that truly a balanced opinion given that he has single-handedly hampered the development of musicians into long-term, fully-formed genii?  Let’s think for one moment how bands such as The Beatles evolved:  At 16 John Lennon forms a band, The Quarrymen, with some friends from school (1956) and a year later, they perform in a local church (St Peter’s Woolton) as well as a local jazz club (The Cavern). They played on the back of a float in part of a Rose Queen ceremony. These were local boys, honing their craft wherever they could find opportunities within their local community.  They gained a local residency and eventually a trip to Hamburg. These boys had a large local following and many pitfalls.  They worked through these over years, they fought to establish a reliable team, they refined their band name, they worked with live audiences and discovered what ‘worked’ and what didn’t. They tried different repertoire, both covers and their own songs. They experimented with amplification and mics, they later evolved in terms of studio techniques. They continually developed and inevitably progressed to become national and international names.

Musicianship and developing the Holistic Musician in Pop Rock Songs

So, Simon Cowell, whilst you have undoubtedly created opportunities, where is the development of the artist? Where is the honing of the craft? Where is the commitment to the individual person and the long term? How do singers now evolve and respond to the environment around them? Why do we dismiss one name to make a new one the following year? Turnover, that’s what it’s about, turnover.  Making money, a new sensation sparks new interest. The ‘making money’ aspect has also been criticised by The Daily Telegraph who in an article dated 9th October 2011 revealed that the advance for the first album had been reduced from £1m to £150,000.

What does a real Pop Rock Vocal Coach do?

A real vocal coach does not just teach singing, they help the artist evolve. George Martin was the band equivalent. The aim is to help musicians find their own style, an individual flavour that is different to those around them, essentially, their Unique Selling Point. Part of seeking this individuality, helping the individual to blossom for who they really are, is also helping them evolve, develop, change and mature. It is a journey that takes time and craft.

Continually Growing to become a Better Pop Rock Musician

Where is the evolution of music and long term sincere quality and integrity?  Well, these go by the wayside. I personally challenge those in the current music industry to ensure that the next generation become well-trained, highly accomplished, continually evolving human beings who never fail to ensure that the arts become something long-lasting with a sense of permanence, integrity, flair and establishment.

The Pop Rock Piano Lessons and Pop Rock Vocal Coach Library

The Maestro Online Pop Rock Piano Lessons and Pop Rock Vocal Coach Library includes courses that develop the WHOLE musician. They train ear skills, harmony, improvisation and technique. Members of the library have access to all courses and can request specific pop rock courses for themselves.

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