100% 5 Star Reviews 

Singing Therapy

A dramatic coloratura soprano of international repute, Penny Randall-Davis, has had solo roles in the likes of Sydney Opera House. She then trained in “Body, Breath and Voice”, using the qualities of vocal sound to work with the terminally ill via alternative health provisions. She has worked with people with vocal or breathing difficulties, people living with HIV, cancer, or depression. She has also had a particular interest in working with people with dementia – an area of work which has really expanded for her.

The Singer’s Body, Breath and Voice

All of this combines with her professional singing teaching from opera singers to rap artists. She talks about “space”. She describes her method as working from the “inside out”.

Working with body, breath and voice opens the space inside us, so that the sounds we produce are naturally informed by our own special qualities. We can be at ease in our body and our voice, and be at home in ourselves.

So… whether we are professional singers or speakers, want to be confident in who we are, or explore the health benefits of using our voice, this approach can help.

Beginner’s Singing Lessons

A fantastic interview with the international dramatic coloratura soprano, Penny Randall-Davis. She describes her humble beginnings and how, at the age of 9, her dad took her to one of the proms in the Royal Albert Hall, but it wasn’t until she was at secondary/senior/high school that her drama teacher encouraged her to take her voice further. Finally, when taking her undergraduate degree at Durham, she took voice lessons from an excellent singing teacher.

Advanced Singing Lessons

From there, Penny went to the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, gained an agent, then moved to Munich and had a fantastic career. Later in her life, she even sang solos in operatic productions in Sydney Opera House.

Events in Penny’s life led to a slight re-direction, her dad passing away and her getting a virus that led to chronic fatigue stopped her singing for two years. Little did she realise that it was her voice that would eventually heal her.

The Singer’s Space and Chakras

Penny gained funding to study “Body, Breath, Voice” and holistic therapy. There she learned to focus on areas, similar to chakras and how to use the breath and resonance to enhance well being. This was not only the beginning of her journey to recovery, but she later used her training to help people with HIV, Cancer, depression, dementia and much more. Penny has also worked on breath and resonance with rap artists, singers of all styles and simply for well-being.

The Singer’s Body, Breath, Voice Interview

It was an honour to interview Penny and I hope that many people will gain an enormous insight into the holistic benefits of breath and resonance in their lives.

Holistic Music Lessons

Dr Robin Harrison, the interviewer, teaches through his website (and in person in Yarm, Teesside, UK):


He teaches piano, organ, singing and vocals in all styles for all ages at all levels, right through to diplomas. His teaching his holistic and trains the whole musician not just via in-depth pedagogy, but also by connecting the soul to the sound.

Current offer: 25% off for new students.

More interviews will be showcased over the coming weeks:


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