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holistic musician and alexander technique

It was a delight to interview Jennifer, the first person in a series of award winning musicians who have taken a distinct re-direction in their careers and have discovered a route to becoming more holistic musicians.

Advanced Musician

Jennifer describes her journey from being a talented, gifted violinist who started at the age of 4 and performed as soloist at Carnegie Hall as a teenager, to how life led her in an unexpected new direction. She found herself not as happy as she wanted to be and realised that she also had a range of physical pains. She turned to doctors who couldn’t solve her problems and then discovered the Alexander Technique which was like a huge awakening for her, indeed a clear life epiphany.

Alexander Technique

The Alexander Technique helped Jennifer release both physical and emotional tensions as she realised that the mind can significantly enhance physical pain without our realising it; she had to do something about this, and she now specializes in helping musicians feel better and play better.

Musical Freedom Method

She also discusses the spiritual, soulful results of centred-ness, as a person. After training in the Alexander Technique she has gone on to develop her own method, The Art of Freedom Method for conscious living and masterful artistry, in which she trains people to remove the ‘blocks’ that interrupt the flow of music from the soul through the body.

Expressive Performances

Today, not only has Jennifer been involved in prize-winning medical research on the Alexander Technique, but she feels that her performances are more connected with her soul than ever before.

She feels that her recent recordings, including her recent and upcoming releases onto digital platforms reveal an innate channelling of inspiration, with fewer blockages between her soul and her body, so that the music can simply flow and “do itself”.

The Holistic Musician Interview

Play Video about Alexander Technique for Musicians

Following the interview, at a lovely 1:00 am here in the UK, I tried out some of Jennifer’s youtube videos. I then decided to create a free piano improvisation and here’s what flowed, with minimal blocks. Definitely time for a few lessons from Jennifer to further develop my flow from my soul!

Play Video about Music lessons online


Explore Jennifer’s work further:

Join The Musician’s Advantage™ free facebook community for musicians: https://www.facebook.com/groups/J30DPC/

Jennifer’s website: www.ArtofFreedom.me

Pre-Save the Ysaye Ballade on Spotify, to be released June 11, 2021: https://show.co/ZUMGi5B

Follow her on Spotify: http://bit.ly/JRFonSpotify

Her YouTube channel: http://bit.ly/JRFonYouTube

The Maestro Online Holistic Music Lessons include Performance Anxiety Masterclasses

Dr Robin Harrison, the interviewer, delivers online subscription courses and masterclasses by celebrity musicians.

He also teaches through his website (and in person in Yarm, Teesside, UK):


He teaches piano, organ, singing and vocals in all styles for all ages at all levels, right through to diplomas.

More interviews will be showcased over the coming weeks:


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