100% 5 Star Reviews 

Self-study Celebrity Masterclasses

Pro Music Masterclasses

Bring exceptional world-class musical expertise into YOUR home.

We don’t make clones. We make artists, individuals that flourish.

Celebrity Music Masterclasses

International quality, exceptional value, perfect convenience.

From Celebrity to Your Living Room

View our Music Masterclass Excerpts

These masterclass courses are not simply videos. They are digital courses embedded with information, scores, exercises, teaching pedagogy and videos of celebrities or international level musicians explaining and demonstrating, objective tracking and certificates.

Who will teach?

International-level musicians who have been awarded by the UK Queen for their work, have worked with top A-Lister celebrities, or have had significant international careers.

 These people collaborate with The Maestro Online to produce stunning, professional-level, exclusive music masterclass courses.

Where we’ll meet

Online, in your living room, with a hot drink or two, learn from the greatest musical minds who have performed with top A-List celebrities.

Convenient, affordable, comfortable.

What we’ll learn

You will become your own artist, not a clone. Sing or play in your style, and put your individual spin on everything that you do.

Simply unique.

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Piano, Organ, Composition

Classical Masterclasses

Perfect for classical improvisation, composers, harmony, A Level, diplomas and degrees.

  • Silent movie improvisation.
  • Film composition.
  • Renaissance dances.
  • Baroque/Bach style improvisation.
  • Fugal improvisation.
  • Classical Mozart style improvisation.
  • Romantic era improvisation.
  • Motivic development.
  • Toccatas and show-off improvisation.
  • Choral & piano composition.
  • Orchestration.
  • Performance anxiety management.
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Piano Masterclasses

Pop, Rock, Gospel, Jazz


Piano & Keyboard

Superb for improvisers, songwriters and session musicians.

  • Everything you need to be a pop pianist.
  • Gospel bass lines.
  • Jazz from scratch.
  • Major, Blues, Pentatonic, Modes.
  • Licks, runs and sparkles.
  • Drum patterns for keys players.
  • Artists who played on original singles.
  • Music production: DAW & Logic Pro
  • Performance anxiety management
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Singing Masterclasses

Classical, Folk, Gospel & Pop Vocal Masterclasses

Singing, Songwriting, Choral & Conducting

Great for those who want to free their voice, develop a naturally resonant tone and who want to establish their own unique expression.

  • Conducting choirs (beginning to advanced).
  • Choral training techniques.
  • Sight-singing.
  • Pop vocals.
  • Bringing out the meaning behind text.
  • Folk singing and songwriting.
  • Sensitive expression.
  • Alexander technique.
  • Advanced holistic vocal technique.
  • Body mapping for singers.
  • Performance anxiety management.
Who Our Tutors have Toured with

International Level Music Experts

Look Who Our Pop Music Masterclass Tutors have performed With

Who are our Music Masterclass Tutors?

  • Seasoned classical, pop, folk, jazz and gospel musicians. 
  • Many awarded by the UK Queen through her honours lists.
  • Many have had careers with top A lister musicians.
  • All have had significant international careers.

How are our Masterclasses Presented?

The music masterclass courses are not simply videos. They are self-study digital courses embedded with information, scores, exercises, objectives, tasks, teaching pedagogy and videos of celebrities and international level musicians explaining and demonstrating key skills.  Certificates are awarded at the end of each course.

What do Professional Musicians Think?

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Nashville Vocal Coach, Susan Anders, coach to professional singers worldwide:

Pop Vocals Course Review.

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Former Co-Director National Youth Choir of Great Britain, Deborah Catterall: 

Sight-Singing & Solfege Courses Review

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Internationally famous organist, highly respected performer and teacher, Kevin Bowyer:

Popular Organ Pedal Method review.

What do Music Students Think?

The Mark Walker course is wonderful! I watched the video with you and Mark – it’s great! Wow, he was pretty mesmerising to watch! All that dictation!! Wow! You’re both amazing! Rebecca

The Online Maestro provides a huge amount of not only educational, but very interesting videos made by/with very renowned musicians in the injury!

Robin is also always on hand to lend a helping hand himself if there’s ever anything you get stuck with.

As a music teacher myself, having little insights to some fabulous minds has been for sure my favourite part about this site! Jasmine

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For 1-1 music lessons (Zoom or in-person) visit The Maestro Online Calendar

All Courses

Far cheaper than 1-1 lessons + a great add-on
£ 19
99 Per Month
  • Annual: £195.99
  • All Piano Courses
  • All Organ Courses
  • All Singing Courses
  • All Guitar Courses

All Courses + Masterclasses + Exam Practice Toolkits

Best value
£ 29
99 Per Month
  • Over £2000 total value
  • Annual: £299.99
  • All Masterclasses
  • All Exam Practice Toolkits
  • All Piano Courses
  • All Organ Courses
  • All Singing Courses
  • All Guitar Courses

All Courses + Masterclasses Exam Practice Toolkits

+ 1 hour 1-1 Lesson
£ 59
99 Per Month
  • Monthly 1hr Lesson
  • All Exam Practice Toolkits
  • All Masterclasses
  • All Piano Courses
  • All Organ Courses
  • All Singing Courses
  • All Guitar Courses
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About your music needs and request support.

  • To discuss partnerships with musical institutions.

  • Anything you like! A cup of coffee online if you wish!

  • Contact: phone or email to discuss music lessons details.

  • Time Zone: Hours of work are 6:00 am-11:00 pm UK time, providing music lessons for most time zones.