100% 5 Star Reviews 

The Maestro Online Community Rock Gospel Choir

Gospel Choir Conducting Eaglescliffe-min.jpg

The Rock Gospel Choir that unites Soul and Expression

Why would you join the Maestro Online Community Rock Gospel Choir?

  • Feel good! Sing with spirit and let those endorphins flow!

  • Singing lessons – be directed by an experienced national level vocal coach

  • Inclusive – this is a community choir – bring your kids and friends along (doesn’t matter if they join in all the time – play on consoles, colour in, sing a bit and drop out a bit).

  • Drop your worries at the door, sing and therapy begins.

  • Listen in to the interview above with Rachel on BBC Tees.

Rock Gospel Choir Bookings

Looking to book a spirited choir with energy and pazzaz for a wedding or event? We include spirit and high standards, complete the form below.

Rock Gospel Choir Questions?

  • How old do I need to be? The exact age that you are! There are no minimums or maximums.

  • Do I need to know all about Gospel music? Just bring your soul!

  • Food and Friends – eat, socialise and sing!

  • No need to read sheet music – listen, improvise, solo, sing by ear, follow others, join in or lead.

  • Costs? Make a donation if you can (suggested £5 per week per family), but all are welcome whether they can financially support or not. A confidential box will be provided for you to drop in what you feel you can manage. The money will go towards my time, nibbles, support for venue heating and lighting, marketing the choir for events.

Gospel Rock Band?

If you play an instrument and want to be involved, please get in touch. I am seeking to develop a full band to back the choir too.

Where will the Rock Gospel Choir take me?

  • You will make new friends

  • You will gain vocal coaching and technique

  • You will develop your harmony skills

  • You might have solo opportunities

  • Your ‘ear’ will rapidly improve

  • Your confidence will significantly develop

  • You will feel good through singing and moving

  • I, Robin Harrison, will actively market the choir for weddings and events – we will aim to perform and share our singing spirit with others.

What about Rock Gospel Repertoire and Vocal Technique?

Read this article that I wrote here for much more detail: https://www.the-maestro-online.com/blog/what-is-a-rock-gospel-choir

Where and When is The Maestro Online Community Rock Gospel Choir?

Friday evening 6:00pm-7:00pm Yarm Parish Church, West Street (St Mary’s, on the street behind the High Street, behind Boyes) starting Friday 24th September 2021 (near Eaglescliffe, Ingleby Barwick, Stockton, Thornaby)

I would Like to Know More or Join the Rock Gospel Choir

Either message or call Robin via the form or button below (or just turn up).

Choir Rehearsal Resources

Check out my video with my good friend, the legendary Rev Bazil Meade MBE, co-founder of the international London Community Gospel Choir. LCGC have backed the likes of Madonna, George Michael and many others.

The Maestro Online Community Rock Gospel Choir

Perfect Therapy in a Challenging World

Yarm, Eaglescliffe, Ingleby Barwick, Kirklevington, Thornaby, Stockton