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Online Music Lessons & Exams

Online Music Lessons & Exams – Accessibility for All

A fantastic interview with Cliff Cooper a holistic musician who has brought affordability and access to music right to the fore using online methods and this all began pre-pandemic. He is not someone who has capitalised on the pandemic situation, but a rather a leader who was ahead of the game.

Cliff is a very caring musician who has created a company that allows those who can’t afford music education and OFQAL certification to be able to access it.

How did the Online Music Lessons & Exams begin?

Cliff harks back to his past. He talks about teaching in London and pupils who couldn’t afford what they needed and how he, and colleagues, offered free music lessons. As the pupils progressed he couldn’t let them down and needed to resource funding to keep things going. That charity core comes over as central to Cliff’s soul.

Online Music Lessons & Exams – Multiculturilism

In the beginning, Cliff pitched his platform to leading UK exam boards, who really didn’t take him seriously. What is interesting is how this has become a global all-inclusive, cross-cultural experience.

He has created an environment in which different cultures can access music qualifications irrelevant of their backgrounds. Furthermore, location and geography are now never a barrier to education.

Online Music Lessons and Exams – Reduced Anxiety

Cliff also discusses the anxiety involved in traditional music examination settings, the ease of recording examinations at home, the lessening of anxiety and the promotion of a positive experience around music performances. It’s true of online lessons too. Learning in your home environment creates so much comfort alongside the practicalities of eliminating the need to travel.

Online Music Exams – The Use of AI

Even the use of artificial intelligence allows examinations to be taken without the need for an examiner to be available at that particular moment and thus anyone can take any exam, any time, anywhere in the whole world.

Fantastic, true accessibility for all!

Interviewer: International Level Online music educator, Robin Harrison, The Maestro Online

Interviewee: Cliff Cooper, Founder and CEO of Online Music Exams, https://www.onlinemusicexams.org/

If you would like to view more interviews with international musicians, many rewarded for their services to music by The Queen visit:

Online Music Lessons Library

The Maestro Online provides a unique range of online music lessons in pop piano, pop vocals, organ, aural and musicianship that entirely focus skills development and improvisation rather than mere ‘copying’. Membership gives you access to all of the available courses and members even request courses be written specifically for them.

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